Atvexa is a long-term holding company for independent operations in schools and preschools. The businesses are characterized by educational diversity under their respective local, well-known and quality leading brands. Many of the operations are built up by strong entrepreneurs with a background as educators from both municipal and private operations.
Atvexa offers well-managed operations the opportunity to work independently, with the same focus as before, under the same brand and with their own management. Atvexa's role as owner is to set and follow certain overall goals in quality, economy and strategy and to ensure financial stability. The business is governed by Atvexa's boards of directors in the subsidiaries, but does not interfere with the operational activities.
Atvexa owns 20 independent brands that have strong positions in their respective local markets. The operations include a total of 162 preschools, 39 schools and one adapted primary school and approximately 4,000 employees and 16,800 children and students.
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